Eli’s Place Debuts on the Harold Green Stage

Eli’s Place Residential Treatment Centre is set to “debut” with its first awareness event, at a world premiere of Therefore Choose Lifepart of the Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company’s 2015 season.  Kathy Kacer and Jake Epstein’s heartbreaking look at love and life is a fitting stage for Eli’s Place to tell its own story, a compelling account of two bereaved parents working to prevent young adult suicide.

Theatre Billboard

Four years ago, David and Deborah Cooper lost their eldest son Eli to suicide, after his lifelong struggle with mental illness. Eli’s Place is their response to his loss and their vision will establish an innovative,  long-term, recovery based model unlike any currently available mental health treatment options in Canada. In its initial stages of growth, Eli’s Place is seeking to raise seed money to fund its multi-million dollar, four-phase development plan.

Eli’s Place Residential Treatment Centre is grateful for the generous support of:

The Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company

The Canada Israel Tennis Centres

The Greenwin Theatre & Toronto Centre for the Arts

Goodman Mintz LLP Chartered Accountants

and all who purchased special tickets to the May 5, 2015 event.

Barbara & Lorne Bernstein
Anita & Norm Katzman

Michael J. Links and Associates

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