In response to your requests, we have created “Give Recovery A Chance”, a new monthly giving opportunity.
Would you prefer to support Eli’s Place with a monthly donation? Now you can select a monthly giving option on our donation page. Set the amount of your own monthly gift or select one of the four options from $100, $75, $50, or $25 a month.
When you authorize Eli’s Place to receive a monthly donation on your credit card, you are giving recovery a home. It’s easy to get started – just decide how much you would like to give each month, then leave the rest to us.
As a monthly donor you are helping to launch Eli’s Place which will bridge the gap in our mental health system for young adults, aged 18 to 35, with serious mental illness. Projected to open in 2020, Eli’s Place will provide a long-term, residential treatment and recovery based program.
We urge you to be a part of this revolution in mental health treatment. The first of its kind in Canada, Eli’s Place will offer individualized therapeutic care and recovery programs, with a graduated transition into the community. A range of programs will promote recovery and resilience through the acquisition of life and work skills needed to move from survival to living, and from mental illness to hopeful futures.