If We Kept a Gratitude Journal

Thanksgiving starts a time of reflecting on our blessings. For the nearly 100 volunteers passionately committed to bringing hope to young adults with serious mental illness, we have much to be thankful for as we progress towards opening the doors of Eli's Place.

If we kept a gratitude journal here’s what you would find within its pages: 

We’re grateful for:

The enthusiasm, commitment, and generosity towards Eli’s Place as demonstrated in the 2020 COVID-style Scotiabank Charity Walk/Run! 

  • Our 30 member team of runners and walkers  
  • Our generous donors who numbered over  300
  • The over $28,500 dollars raised to help open the door of Eli’s Place
  • The event runs until October 31st so fundraising continues

The support of our growing Eli’s Place Community! Including:  

  • The hundreds of individuals who have supported us financially in this critical endeavour
  • Our growing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn supporters (click the links to join us on social!)
  • The likes, loves, shares, and engaging comments we receive on social which help us to reach new followers 
  • The interest, guidance, and words of encouragement we regularly receive from our supporters: these messages are a constant reminder of the far-reaching need for Eli’s Place 

For the contributions of our team, including

  • 14 experienced professionals serving on the Eli’s Place Board of Directors
  •  8 leaders in the mental illness field who make up our Professional Advisory 
  •  9 young adults committed to our recently established Peer Advisory 
  • 50 +  volunteers who generously give of their time and skills serving on an Eli’s Place committee and offering pro-bono work  

And most of all, we express gratitude for the hope in recovery, that proven-effective treatment exists, that with your help, and the expertise of our growing Eli’s Place team, that we will make Eli’s Place a reality!

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