Spinning, Sipping and Singing Raised Over $50,000 for Eli’s Place
Our community of Eli’s Place supporters continues to grow, made up of passionate people who care about bringing hope for a healthy future to young adults with serious mental illness. It is with deep gratitude that we share three unique and successful fundraisers that individual supporters championed on behalf of Eli’s Place. If you feel moved as much as we do, and are interested in doing your own fundraising event, we have lots of ideas and we’re here to help!
Raise a Glass – Raise Awareness
Wanting to thank her clients and friends who had helped build her real estate business, Joanna Perlmutar turned a great party into a huge fundraising success raising $20,000 for Eli’s Place! At Joanna’s Raise a Glass – Raise Awareness event, guests shared a fun evening together and had an opportunity to hear from our own David and Deborah Cooper who offered a short presentation on Eli’s Place. Watch the video
It Takes a Grandmother
The sweet sounds of Stevie Wonder and Prince rang out in Koerner Hall last November at the Musical Stage Company’s annual concert, “Uncovered”, co-sponsored by It Takes A Grandmother. As member Beatrice Traub-Werner explains: “we are a group of mainly retired professional women who meet a few times a year, decide on a charity we wish to support and then go out and fundraise.” Each year ITAG negotiates special prices for a block of tickets channeling the monies raised to an agreed-upon non-profit. Eli’s Place was thrilled to be the recipient of $18,000 on behalf of ITAG’s fundraising.
Spin for Recovery
Sheree Shapiro and Noah Cooper brought together 29 friends to Spin for Recovery. Sheree & Noah gathered their friends around their shared love of cycling and hosted the event at local spin studio, Legacy Indoor Cycling, raising $12,776 on behalf of Eli’s Place. Some participants were experienced, some were newbies – everyone enjoyed pumping their tires for Eli’s Place and raising awareness around mental health treatment.
Interested in Fundraising for Eli’s Place?
It’s easier than you might think! Turn any event into a fundraising event on behalf of Eli’s Place and help young adults with serious mental illness. We’re here to help. Find ideas here. Or, contact us and we’ll help share tips, ideas, and get you set-up with an online fundraising page that makes spreading the word and collecting donations for Eli’s Place easy.