Sunday in the Park

The members of the Eli’s Place Board, along with friends and family, gathered at Oriole Park in central Toronto on October 17th. With bubbles and beautiful music in the air, the brisk fall morning suddenly felt a lot warmer. Groups gathered under a green balloon arch for photos amidst laughter and loud chatter. 

If the joyful noise wasn’t enough, everyone was sporting an official Eli’s Place buff and several signs identified our organization.  We attracted a little attention and curious passersby were engaged in conversation by our co-founders David and Deborah who never miss an opportunity to share our shared vision! 

As new board members were introduced around and some longer standing members met one and other for the first time since the pandemic, the excitement was palpable. A common theme of matching the zoom image to real life was heard on repeat: “so this is what you look like in person” or “I didn’t know you were so tall!”  After 18 months plus on zoom, it was wonderful to meet in person and exchange safe hugs. 

Ostensibly we were there to complete our commitment to the Scotiabank Waterfront Charity Challenge. Our avid runners representing Eli’s Place were already hitting the pavement in the official in person event along the city’s waterfront.  But as 10 o’clock came and went, most of us at the park were still standing in groups talking about our plans for Eli’s Place. 

Eventually we dispersed, taking routes of various lengths and difficulty. Although our paths diverged that sunny Sunday morning, our destination remains the same: to open the doors of Eli’s Place.

Eli’s Place will be a rural, residential treatment program for young adults with serious mental illness. To learn more about our mission and our proven-effective model click here.

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