Walk or Run for Eli’s Place

Join our team on October 17th or 18th and walk or run – your course, in your own time. Or, because this year’s event is virtual, you can pick a date that suits you anytime in the month of October. If you’d rather sit this one out, sponsor our team and follow our efforts on social media. Either way you can help raise funds for Eli’s Place!

If you’re up for a challenge, register now for any of the distances offered as part of the STWM (5K or 10K, Full or Half Marathon) and get moving! Register here (be sure to choose the Charity Challenge option and select Eli’s Place as your charity).

If you’d prefer to be a cheerleader, support the Team with any amount you can offer! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and help make Eli’s Place vision a reality: From Mental Illness to Hopeful Futures.

If you have any questions, please contact:

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