Young adults are counting on us

Together, we can help this underserved group acquire the skills to live healthy, engaged lives.

Family and friends working on farm to grow and sell sweet corn as a college fund project

Why Support Eli's Place

Born out of unmet need

In helping their son Eli navigate serious mental illness, Eli’s Place co-founders identified the absence of a therapeutic program for young adults with serious mental illness.

Based on a validated model

Rather than try to create a program, Eli’s Place invested in research. After careful analysis of 33 recovery-based programs, they found a model in the 108-year-old Gould Farm.

An articulated theory of change

With a strategic framework in place, and impact measurement a foundational principle, Eli’s Place will continue to learn, to improve client outcomes, and to grow its societal impact.

The right team to move from vision to reality

Eli’s Place comprises a highly accomplished team. Our Executive Director has a proven track record in the development of innovative mental health programs. Our committed Board of Directors brings diverse and highly relevant skills and experiences to the table. Our Professional Advisory Committee consists of pre-eminent healthcare leaders and practitioners in the area of mental illness.

A partnership approach

For maximum efficiency and, more importantly, optimal care and sustained recovery, partnerships are critical to our approach. Adjacent community agencies will refer patients to Eli’s Place. Upon returning to their homes, Eli’s Place will connect participants for relevant services such as employment, housing and education.

A replicable centre of excellence

With your help, we will open the doors of Canada’s first healing farm and make hopeful futures possible. Through our work, we will inspire like facilities to emerge, ensuring appropriate care of young adults with serious mental illness across Canada. Eli’s Place is committed to ongoing evaluation research. sharing our approach and findings, and acting as a learning centre to promote success.

What leading mental illness practitioners have to say

Join us on this transformative journey of hope and healing

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Our newsletter and blogs offer consistent, original content designed to inform and educate. We explore mental health from diagnosis to treatment and resilience to recovery. Our outlook includes both a systems point of view and personal perspectives.